What is Happening To This Years Pool Season?

As the weather gets warmer and summertime is crawling in, it is normal to think about the pools opening and the joy that comes with it. Unfortunately, there is nothing normal about where we are in the world today with a pandemic impacting every facet of out lives.

So, what will the 2020 pool season look like? Will there be a 2020 season at all? These questions are to be answered at the state and county levels, and those answers will impact the BOT decision to open the pools with very different rules and restrictions or not to open them at all.

Will this be permanent for the whole 2020 season?

These changes may be temporary and will ease as the season moves forward or may remain in place for all of 2020. We all would like to see a normal pool season, especially having been on lockdown for so long. However, for this pool season, normal will be defined in a different way.A BOT member said, When it's safe for the state and county to lift restrictions, these empty chairs will be ready for sun seekers enjoyment.